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Four Reasons CBD For Crossfit Is Beneficial

Have you wondered if CBD for crossfit is beneficial? If you’re a crossfit athlete, you know how intense training can leave you feeling sore. It can also take time to recover from muscle aches and pains, which can sometimes mean skipping a day at the gym. Many crossfit athletes have discovered CBD and the benefits it has, as well as its positive impact on their performance. 

Some crossfit companies and organizations have even added CBD products, such as oils, to their list of sports optimization products. If you’re a crossfitter and you are not aware of how CBD oil can help you with your performance and recovery, you definitely need to read this post!


Crossfit programs are one of the most intense fitness programs offered, so it’s no surprise that its athletes can suffer injuries, muscle tears, aches and pains. CBD can help with many of these.

Natural Pain Relief

Here are 4 Reasons Crossfit Athletes Should Use CBD Oil

One of the most popular reasons athletes love CBD products is for its pain relief. While more research is needed to confirm all the benefits of using CBD for pain management, studies on animals have shown that CBD can help with pain management. These studies have shown that CBD can affect the way pain receptors respond to pain, which can help reduce inflammatory pain.

Pain can affect an athlete’s performance in more ways than one, but managing it with CBD products such as Pure CBD Capsules for Muscle and Joint Pain or Instant Freeze CBD Cream for Muscle and Joint Pain can help you continue your training pain-free.

CBD As A Recovery Aid

Any athlete knows that recovery time is needed in order to increase your performance. But when you are doing high intensity workouts such as crossfit, recovery times can sometimes be lengthy…meaning less time in the gym, or more low-intensity workouts. CBD can help shorten your recovery. CBD can be used as an anti-inflammatory to relieve the soreness and muscles aches caused by crossfit workouts. As explained in our first point, it relieves pain. Using CBD to allows people’s bodies to recover from crossfit workouts fast and with less lingering pain throughout the body. Less pain means better and more effective workouts. When you feel 100% you are able to do more, have proper form, and lift more.

CBD To Decrease Anxiety and Performance Stress

Whether you are stressed about not completing your workout within an improved time, or you have anxiety leading up to an important crossfit competition, CBD can help! It’s natural to feel nervous and stressed as a competitor, but this can be mentally draining and affect your performance and your sleep leading up to a competition. Anxiety relief is another popular reason crossfit athletes use CBD. 

CBD is thought to interact with receptors in the central nervous system. The exact way CBD affects the receptors isn’t fully understood, and more testing is being done to determine this. Some people with sports-related anxiety may be able to manage it with CBD. Because CBD doesn’t get you high, you can take products like Sleep and Recovery Softgels before bed to help you sleep or Full Spectrum CBD Oil before/during your workout or performance.


Mental health is gaining more respect, and athletes are becoming more aware of how important mental health is. Especially when it comes to their performance. Training and competing can take a strong toll on your mental health, and it can make us feel a little off-balance overall, or perhaps, overworked. 

Studies have shown that CBD can help you achieve a balanced sense of wellness. When taken regularly, CBD products can help recovery, and reach peak performance, while you have a good mindset and attitude. 

Where To Buy CBD For Crossfit Athletes

We have a variety of CBD products to help crossfit athletes perform and recover better. Check out our shop, or get in touch with us and ask one of our knowledgeable staff who can advise on the best product for you.